Blog Post: Special Education Law in Oklahoma requires special knowledge

Do you have a special needs child attending public school in Oklahoma?  Does your child have a disability such as ADHD, Autism, Downs Syndrome, mental health issues, or a physical disability?  If so, pursuant to federal law your child is entitled to a “free and appropriate public education” provided by his or her local school district.  Typically, this specialized education plan tailored to meet the specific needs of your child is accomplished through an “Individualized Education Plan” or IEP.

The IEP is created through a collaborative process between the school and the child’s parents or guardians.  More often than not, parent’s without special knowledge of their rights and what services to ask for in their child’s IEP are only offered the bare minimum by the school.  Or, they may disagree with the school on what educational services the child should receive.  Sadly, many school districts in Oklahoma find themselves with deflated resources and simply say they cannot provide all of the services a child needs in order to meet their educational goals.  Fortunately for your child, a lack of resources or funds is not an excuse for providing your child the educational services he or she needs to reach educational goals.

Special rules regarding suspension also apply to children on an IEP.  While the child may be suspended, there are safeguards in place to ensure that if the suspension is caused by a behavior related to the child’s disability, the school must typically continue to provide services to the child while suspended.  If a child on an IEP is often suspended for behavior problems, or has moderate to substantial behavior problems in the school setting, the parent has the right to ask for a “Behavior Intervention Plan” to help address these behaviors and prevent suspension.

If you have a child on an IEP in Oklahoma it is imperative that you have an advocate well-versed in special education law with the experience to know what services to ask for, and with a proven track record of successful collaboration with the school.  Please contact us today so that we can help you successfully advocate for your special child!

About: violetiye